Sunday, March 3, 2013


Photo by Eric Green
Top of the Falls, by Eric Green
cropped image
For this week's assignment regarding rhythm, we were asked to pick a sense (ie: sound, taste, touch, etc) then an image that represents said sense.  I chose sound, and picked an image I took atop Niagara Falls.  The  water falling over the ledge is a key element in presenting that  loud noise that anyone who has visited the Falls can attest to.  

Next, I cropped the image down just to focus on the water going over the ledge that creates the sensation of sound.  There is also a lot of movement and rhythm within this part of the photo. 

I then chose 4 different words that respresented the sense of sound.  The four words that I chose were Loud, Gentle, Splatter, and Rushing.  I then manipulated the cropped image to illustrate these words.  Below are the manipulated pieces in the order listed above. 



Splatter and Rushing                                                                                 
After this, I created several other versions that I will post later.  I also drew up the following rhythmic piece using alternating rhythmand then added noise and various other filters to help it more resemble the sense of sound. 

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